Thursday, February 8, 2007

Toronto Star mini-review

Back in November, before the book was officially out, The Toronto Star briefly noticed it. Here's the note, published on November 26:

For those less inclined to welcome the chill, we suggest Silver Donald Cameron's Sailing Away from Winter: A Cruise from Nova Scotia to Florida and Beyond. It's the armchair-friendly yarn of how Cameron, who turns 70 next year, set sail in 2004 with wife Marjorie Simmins and Leo the Wonder Whippet in a 33-year-old Norwegian-built ketch named Magnus, bound for Pete's Pub in Little Harbour, the Bahamas. Some 236 days and 3000-plus nautical miles later, the "distinctly trepid crew" rowed ashore and headed up to the palm-thatched tiki bar for a well-deserved splash or two. This is familiar stuff for the B.C.-raised Cameron, author of 13 previous books, a bunch of them ocean-themed, including "the Nova Scotia cruising classic Wind, Whales and Whisky."

For those with the smell of salt air twitching their own nostrils, perhaps Cameron should be paired with Farley Mowat's memoir of marital cruising, albeit around Newfoundland in the '50s, Bay of Spirits: A Love Story.

To which I say a hearty Amen. Farley's new book is poignant and delightful, and the two books will probably appeal to a very similar readership.

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